Hindi    1960 (India)



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Aanchal is a 1960 Indian Bollywood social film released on 1960. The film is directed by Vasant Joglekar.
Ever since I became aware of life, I had known only the affectionate huggings of my grandmother and the serious advice of my mother -My little child". The most precious possession of a woman is her virtue. The Aanchal that I today place on your is your shiled, your rumour, your honour...." . We were a small family and my father loved all of us-my kind old grandmother, my sweet, noble mother, and my naughty impish self..Yes.. we were a very happy family till that Diwali night when we kept on waiting for father to return with his promised bundle of crackers. I had fallen asleep, I think; but when we kept on waiting for father to return with his promised bundle of crackers. I had falled asleep, I think; but when I woke up I found my mother and grandmother in tears.. someone said my father would not ocme home any more; for some time we kept on moving from place to place, till one day we found ourselves in a thatched house in a far off city and my mother and grandmother were tearfully thanking a kind of policeman, Dharmdas. I never liked policeman, but this Dharmdas was nice..very sweet and very kind and it was fun to play with little Sunder his son. . Time passed on. Every thing seemed fine except that my mother and grandmother always carried a great sadnesse in their eyes. . But I was happy...for Sunder had grown up into a big, handsome Sub-Inspector of Police and Dharmdas Chacha had agreed to get us married. We seemed to be having a happy life when one day I overheard that my grandmother was going blind and only an operation could save her; but we had no money. I wanted to work and earn some money. Auntie Chameli, our neighbour, told me I could get money if I danced in a neighbouring hotel. I accetped the offer. People cheered me. . Yes...they cheered me, and I had thought that the world was full of good men......when realised with a shudder that a lustful man was trying to snatch my aanchal and I was fighting for my honour,.... suddenly there was a loud plop..I felt the hold loosening and a kind man who cam to my rescue was exhorting me to be vrave. He took me home..I never knew who this great good man was, till my mother told me that he was my uncle. . He stayed on with us...soon Diwali came and uncle brought a lot of crackers for me. We were once more happy; but one night he did not return; days passed on and there was no sign for him. . With him seemd to go away our days of new found happiness. People started talking that my mother, a widow, was pregnant. The neighbours started jeering at us. Sunder refused to talk to me and my marriage was cancelled. And greatest tragedy of all, I found that the rumours were correct..my mother had slipped from the path of virtue...she who was forever telling telling me about the honour and chasity of women was herself unchaste. I felt like killing with my bare hands the uncle who was responsible for this tragedy. . One day the neighbours came in big crowd and wanted to throw us out of out little thattched house...they began pelting us with stones. A streak of blood tickled down the kind face of my grandmother and my mother...but once again the fates were kind...my uncle returned, the noise stopped.. and we found our lives and honour saved by what he did...Now I know how he managed to save us. [Source: Booklet] Check out this page for more updates on Aanchal.

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This page provides latest and updated information about Aanchal (1960) movie which released on 1960. Aanchal (1960) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 3 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.Aanchal (1960) has won 0.001 crore awards.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Aanchal Keywords

Aanchal, Social, Bollywood, 1960, Aanchal movie reviews

