1971 Prisoners of War 2007
Hindi Mar 09, 2007 (India)
The story is based on the lives of the six soldiers and their stories. All of them are found into the trap of the Pakistan and its people that is the army. Now, it is their journey of how they tend to fight with all the coming disasters and their living. Check out this page for more updates on 1971 Prisoners of War.
Cast & Crew
Manoj Bajpai
Major Suraj Singh
Ravi Kishan
Captain Jacob
Deepak Dobriyal
Flt. Lt. Gurtu
Kumud Mishra
Captain Kabir
Chittaranjan Giri
Subedar Ahmed
Deepti Gupta
Sabeena Jehangir - ..
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1971 Prisoners of War Movie Wiki
This page provides latest and updated information about 1971 Prisoners of War (2007) movie which released on Mar 09, 2007. 1971 Prisoners of War (2007) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 1 photos, 27 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.1971 Prisoners of War (2007) has received 2.6 rating from user reviews.The overall rating of 1971 Prisoners of War (2007) is 52 and movie is 2.6.1971 Prisoners of War (2007) has won 0.004 crore awards.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.