404 Movie Reviews

Avg. Critics Rating
Verdict: Cool based on 9 reviews
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Verdict: Cool based on 37 reviews & ratings
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  • Nikhat Kazmi


    Nikhat Kazmi | Times of India

    Thank God our film makers have stopped taking the audience for granted and have begun to credit them an IQ apart from an EQ. Of course, intelligent cinema is still a rarity in our film industry. But there are a handful of films, now and then, which do not demand you leave your brains behind. Prawaal Raman's 404 is one of them. The highpoint of the film lies in the fact that it explores paranormal activity without abandoning science and rationality
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  • Nikhat Kazmi


    Nikhat Kazmi | Times of India

    The highpoint of the film lies in the fact that it explores paranormal activity without abandoning science and rationality. And that indeed is a rare achievement. Set against the backdrop of a medical college, the film takes up the usual issues of ragging and student suicides but gives it such a tangy twist, you end up literally KOed.
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  • Preeti Arora


    Preeti Arora | rediff.com

    The tagline to 404 is 'Error Not Found'. But for all the internet junkies and those addicted souls who practically live in cyberspace, this one isn't for the computer geeks. There's no sci-fi action here. In fact, 404 explores a theme which has been attempted far too many times in Bollywood over the last decade with films like Phoonk and Aagyat. Just a couple of weeks ago, there was Vikram Bhatt's Haunted. The fascination for ghosts and spirits remains as strong
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  • Preeti Arora


    Preeti Arora | Rediff

    The film is a must watch for all ‘thriller’ fans. And also horror buffs! Don’t miss it.
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  • Mayank Shekhar


    Mayank Shekhar | Hindustan Times

    Every death is sudden. And technically, every dead person leaves behind some work-in-progress or the other. The bhatakti aatma (the wandering, dissatisfied soul) then is merely bunkum justification for paranormal people who hallucinate ghosts with their eyes wide open – imagine images they’re mentally predisposed to. “The eyes only see what the brain is willing to comprehend.” This is a fair point. Anirudh, a professor of psychiatry
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  • Taran Adarsh


    Taran Adarsh | bollywoodhungama.com

    2011 seems like the year of experimentations, in terms of content chiefly. Look at the stories being churned out this year. Irrespective of how these films fare at the box-office, you cannot turn your face away from the fact that these films at least made an earnest and honest attempt to narrate innovative stories, which were hitherto untold on the Hindi screen. In a momentous departure from the tried and tested stuff, a number of films lined up
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  • Karan Anshuman


    Karan Anshuman | Mumbai Mirror

    Psychological thrillers are tricky films to make. They depend as much on execution as they do on a watertight script. Alfred Hitchcock mastered the genre with films like Rear Window, before a reawakening in mainstream Hollywood in the 90's with The Silence of the Lambs, Se7en, and the Sixth Sense. Last year we were treated to the haunting Black Swan and Scorsese's masterful Shutter Island. Bollywood has always relegated pure psychological thrillers
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  • Shubha Shetty-Saha


    Shubha Shetty-Saha | Mid-Day

    No, this is not a sci-fi action film nor is it about cyber crime. The name and the tagline of the film, 404 - Error Not Found, is misleading. After Ragini MMS and Haunted, Bollywood continues to flirt with ghosts, with its latest release, 404. However, this film is smart, dark and yes, spooky, too. As soon as Abhimanyu (Rajvir Arora) and other juniors enter medical college, they are ragged by a bunch of seniors. These seniors are pro at the art of ragging
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  • Pankaj Sabnani


    Pankaj Sabnani | Glamsham

    404 is a title aimed at today's internet junkies and youngsters. It's intriguing enough to find out why a film is titled so. It's a smart move by the makers of this psychological thriller. Speaking of psychological thrillers, we haven't seen one in Bollywood since a long time. So it's a welcome change amidst the rom-coms and love stories. The film is about a bright medical student Abhimanyu (Rajvvir Aroraa), who's brave enough to opt for the supposedly haunted
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  • Mayank Shekhar


    Mayank Shekhar | Hindustan Times

    Insecure shock jocks usually kill the fun with sound and special effect alone – comedy, being the instant flip side of spook. You don’t laugh here, never. You just wish to know what’s going on, or what happens next.
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  • Taran Adarsh


    Taran Adarsh | Bollywood Hungama

    On the whole, 404 is yet another innovative story with a taut screenplay, riveting direction and applaud-worthy performances as its strong points. Original in content and radical in approach, this new-age thriller is yet another step in the right direction of content over stars. Get ready to psych your mind!
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  • Pankaj Sabnani


    Pankaj Sabnani | Glamsham

    404 is a mind-boggling psychological thriller with commendable performances. Don’t miss it.
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  • Rajeev Masand


    Rajeev Masand | ibnlive.com

    404', directed by Prawaal Raman, is the third film in three weeks that features the spirit of a dead person as a prominent character. Set on a medical campus, this psychological thriller stars newcomer Rajvvir Aroraa as Abhimanyu, a freshman who stands up against the harsh ragging meted out to younger students at the hands of college seniors. When campus bully Chris (played by Imaad Shah) disregards Abhimanyu's complaints and continues
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  • Blessy Chettiar


    Blessy Chettiar | DNA India

    Go for this one with a bottle of patience. It runs for so long that you could start hallucinating whether the movie is real.
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  • Shubhra Gupta


    Shubhra Gupta | Indian Express

    The intriguingly named ‘404’ opens with promise. A first year medical student volunteers to occupy a room that’s been locked for some years. He’s not scared of ghosts, declares Abhimanyu ( Rajvvir), and with those famous last words, walks in. Prawaal Raman has had past experience in trying to spook us ( ‘Darna Mana Hai’) . And here again he shows us that he is good at creating atmosphere. The college building has large ceilings and dark shadows
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  • Komal Nahta


    Komal Nahta | Koimoi

    404 Review by Komal Nahta. Business rating: 1/5 star. What’s Good: The performances; some horror scenes. Bad: Th...
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  • BollySpice Editors


    BollySpice Editors | Bollyspice

    404 is a suspense thriller set in a medical college, exploring the human mind and the seen forces shackling it. The conflict is in the defiance…
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  • thomas.richard


    If Thoughts Could Kill

    thomas.richard, 9 years ago
    This is nice movie. I liked it.
  • devenpatel


    404 movie review: What's in a name?

    devenpatel, 9 years ago
    This is one of the block buster movie
  • jeevan789


    Now this will definitely BLOW your mind….

    jeevan789, 9 years ago
    Super hit movie. I loved everything about this movie.

404 Keywords

404, Suspense, Thriller, Bollywood, 2011, 404 movie reviews

