Story, Synopsis, Trivia, Dialogues for 9 O'Clock (2013)
9 O'Clock is a 2013 Nepali romance film released on Mar 29, 2013. The film is directed by Babu Ram Dhakal.
The film has been controversial from the start because of sex content in the movie. Talking about the script of the movie, it has been accused to be vulgar by the FDB. The movie had been controversial from the start because of sex content in the movie. The script of the movie was accused to be vulgar by the FDB. Previous named Check out this page for more updates on 9 O'Clock.
The film has been controversial from the start because of sex content in the movie. Talking about the script of the movie, it has been accused to be vulgar by the FDB. The movie had been controversial from the start because of sex content in the movie. The script of the movie was accused to be vulgar by the FDB. Previous named Check out this page for more updates on 9 O'Clock.