A Decent Arrangement 2014
English Nov 07, 2014 (USA)
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Reviews for A Decent Arrangement
Luckily, just like the lead character Ashok, the camera (cinematography by Amol Rathod) doesn’t capture the country like a typical tourist would, but more like one who treats it..
full reviewIt’s hardly surprising that NRI filmmakers manage to capture the essence and eccentricity of our ways with greater restraint. As evident here, theirs is essentially an outsi..
full reviewFor a large part of this brief film nothing seems to be happening.At least, nothing that we can consider dramatic enough to be considered cinematic in the acceptable sense. As I w..
full reviewHoping to get rid of his loneliness and aimlessness back in the United States, Ashok (Adam Laupus), an Indian-American copywriter, comes to India looking for a suitable bride. But..
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A Decent Arrangement Movie Wiki
This page provides latest and updated information about A Decent Arrangement (2014) movie which released on Nov 07, 2014. A Decent Arrangement (2014) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 2 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 3 critic reviews.The movie has received 2.8 rating from critic reviews. The overall rating of A Decent Arrangement (2014) is 57 and movie is 2.9.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.