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Marathi    Aug 24, 2012 (India)  

Verdict: Timepass Movie. One time watch.


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Aaghor is a 2012 Indian Marathi drama, social film released on Aug 24, 2012. The film is directed by Salim Sheikh (I), produced by Raju Dhivdonde.
Aghor – Jeevanacha Jagnyashi Sangharsha’ seeks the corruption- not in businesses or politics, but in the most essential sphere of a person’s life. It depicts on the medical practitioners and their profession.It is widely considered that corruption has spread to almost all the industries in this land, and thus the medical career is no exception. Aghor – has a different side to talk about. Till now, we Indians always accepted the Doctor as next to God. This movie has a message and shows both sides of the coin. It tells the really good doctors (Gods) and even the negative artists thriving in this honorable career especially those in the so called Multi-Specialty Clinics. There is an authentic, sincere doctor Sathe (played by Raman Sonad) and also shown is the “professional individual”, Dr. Batra depicts by Dr. Vilas Ujavane, who in absolute life is a doc himself.There are three struggling youths caught between the medical opinions of these two doctors. Check out this page for more updates on Aaghor.

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Reviews for Aaghor

Times of India


Times of IndiaTimes of India

The story is about two doctors Dr. Sathe (Raman Senad) and Dr.Batra (Vilas Ujawane)

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Aaghor Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Aaghor (2012) movie which released on Aug 24, 2012. Aaghor (2012) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 1 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 11 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.Aaghor (2012) has received 2.3 rating from user reviews.The overall rating of Aaghor (2012) is 45 and movie is 2.3.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Aaghor Keywords

Aaghor, Drama, Social, Marathi, 2012, Aaghor movie reviews

