Aaitya Bilavar Nagoba 1979
Marathi 1979 (India)
Kalyani lives a middle-class life in Daulat Nagar, with her mother and daddy, Sindhu Madhav Shastri, who proceeds medicine. She re-shifts to the city, graduates and arrives back to teach as well as be a social worker, for which she is dignified by the townspeople. She meets with and falls in love deeply with Sarjerao, the only boy of wealthy widower and businessman tycoon, Daulatrao Patil. One day she gets the amazing news that Sarjerao has been arrested for sexually expanding a courtesan by the name of Mainabai. Sarjerao is tested in Court, found liable, and blamed to a year in prison. After one year he is left and returns home to find that his daddy has passed away, leaving the business and the property in the hands of his Accountant named Bhujangrao. When Sarjerao goes to meet Kalyani, she says that she will have nothing to do with him anymore. Amazed by the death of his father, and left by his lover, Sarjerao turns to drinks and alcohol, snobbing courtesans, and may possibly be jailed and end up in jail again. The story has many ups and downs in the movie. Check out this page for more updates on Aaitya Bilavar Nagoba.
Cast & Crew
Master Bhagwan
Sindhu Madhav Shast..
Yashwant Dutt
Sarjerao Daulatrao ..
Asha Kale
Kalyani S. Shastri
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Aaitya Bilavar Nagoba Movie Wiki
This page provides latest and updated information about Aaitya Bilavar Nagoba (1979) movie which released on 1979. Aaitya Bilavar Nagoba (1979) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.