Story, Synopsis, Trivia, Dialogues for Aakashwani (1934)

Aakashwani is a 1934 Indian Bollywood film released on 1934. Pedharkars anti-imperialist version of the Vishnu Purana legend tells of the villainous Kans (Phatak) plotting to marry Devaki (Leela) to Dikpal (Pendharkar), commander of Magadhas army. The people of Mathura fear that Magadh will destory their city-state and foil Kans scheme as Devaki marries the beggar Vasudev (Vinayak). The heavens forecast, accurately, that Devakis eighth son Krishna (Shiridkar) shall cause Kans death. This is the debut production of Kolhapur Cinetone, launched as a rival to Prabhat and featuring Phatak, Pendarkar and Vinayak in roles evoking their screen images established at Prabhat. [Source: Encyclopaedia of Indian Cinema] Check out this page for more updates on Aakashwani.

Aakashwani Keywords

Aakashwani, Bollywood, 1934, Aakashwani movie reviews

