Hindi    1941 (India)



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Aasra is a 1941 Indian Bollywood film released on 1941. The Express rushing across India towards Bombay, the Waterloo of many a young Napoleon, carried in a third-class compartment, two young hearts whom fate had cheated of love and hope. An irascible but kindly ticket-examiner mistaking them for husband and wife, broke the ice for them bur Chanda choked off enquiries from Chandan by stating that she was going to Bombay where she had a husband connected with the piecegoods business. . Reaching Bombay, Chanda avoiding Chandan, sneaked out of the station lest he might be looking out for her non-existnt hunband, and so we find her installed in the Hotel B.A.F. While the proprietor is dreaming of another prosperous season, and Chanda, who is a graduate, is conning the "wanted" columns for a job, a young heau with less brains, tips the hotel boy for an interview with the new lady. He gets the interview but it is co painful that he leaves bag and baggage, and the proprietor wakes up. Nearly a month has passed, the lady has not paid her account, the juicy young fellows are leaving, instead of flocking to the hotel, So, a no-longer suave, rather a stern, business like proprietor interviews Chanda and threatens to bring in the police if his account is not settled immediately. . Chanda has not secured a job and her purse contains exactly one anna. Though the police do not interfere in such cases, Chanda gets panicky, and decides to pass the night in the Park. Seeing visions of the young man who jilted her for a more prosperous bride, she falls asleep on a bench, to be rudely awakened by a Policeman, suspicious, follows. Chanda rushes to the first block of buildings that comes, but she hears the "char......r char......r" of the policemans shoes, climbing the stairs after her. She opens the door in front and enters, and finds Chandan. Chandan looks at her. She tries to explain, when there is a knock. . The landlord of Chandan, Seth Ramnarayan, has a pretty young wife, and naturally, he suspects all yooung men, and locks his wife in when he goes out. He has let the block to Chandan only on his telling him that he has a wife who will arrive shortly, after repeatedly telling other landlords that he was a bachelor and bing refused rooms for his truthful statement. Chandan tells Chanda that if she is keen on shelter for the night, she will have to pretend to be his wife. Before Chanda can indignatly refuse such an offer, Chandan opens the door, Seth Ramnarayan enters and being told by him that his wife has but just arrived, rushes out joyfully to his wife to give the glad news. Champa, the Seths wife, invites both and they are now committed to be husband and wife. Ramnarayan, now relieved of the great bachelor danger, becomes kind to Chandan and gives him a job in his shop. Chandan and Chanda make contradictory statements before the Seth and Champa, regarding their pedigree, age, education and disposition, but Chandan cleverly manages to keep the cat tight in the bag. . Chanda, chafing under a compulsory sharing of rooms and food and not being able to pay for them, goes out in search of jobs, letting out to Champa that she is visiting her cousin. She lands a job in big office. The attempt of Vikram, the manager of the office to take advantage of her trustfulness results in his dismissal. But the Proprietor of the concern is no way better. He takes her in his car ostensibly to search for a house and when it is getting dark and they are on the beach, and nobody near, he tries to exercise his protection. Chanda refuses. The Proprietor, knowing beforehand that Chanda would be difficult had cleverly slipped in her bag two thousand-rupee notes. As Chanda is fleeing, he cries "Stop, thief".......and the same policeman who had chased Chanda out of the park, now stops her. . Chanda is taken into custody and in due course the trial proceeds. Chandan, anxious at her absence, learns from the papers that she is in coustody. Seth Ramnarayan is furious that he harboured a thief. But Champa ordrs him to go and give evidence in Chandss favour or else she would go to court, and after giving her evidence, go straight to her fathers place. Ramnarayan, not caring to risk losing his wife for whom he has paid fifty thousand rupees, goes to the court, Champa accompanying. Chandan in also there. The Proprietors other employees, as desired by him, swear that Chanda was never in his employ. Seth Ramnarayan giving but poor evidence, and the Crown Prosecutor thundering against Chanda as if the British Empire would collapse if she were not sent to prison, and the judge sympathising whth the accused but forced ot rely on evidence, is about to pronounce sentence Check out this page for more updates on Aasra.

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Aasra Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Aasra (1941) movie which released on 1941. Aasra (1941) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Aasra Keywords

Aasra, Bollywood, 1941, Aasra movie reviews

