Hindi    Feb 27, 2004 (India)  

Verdict: Super Hit Movie. Must watch!!


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Box office 9.8 Cr Budget: -- Verdict: Below Average
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Ab Tak Chhappan is a 2004 Indian Bollywood action film released on Feb 27, 2004. The film is directed by Shimit Amin, produced by Ram Gopal Varma under banner named Sahara India Mass Communications Ltd..
Sadhu Agashe started his race with the Mumbai police several years ago and was initially told to work at a desk job, handwriting up First Information Reports, and never got to use his rifle. Then he was bolstered to the plain-clothes crime branch division, and that's when he stopped scripting reports and started to use his gun. He skulls a team of four outstanding officers, who respect him without question. When Police Commissioner Pradhan retires, his point is taken up by M.I. Suchek, who animus Agashe. Soon, Agashe becomes a mark of inner politics, his wife gets executed during a wedding ceremony, and he himself gets jailed by none other than his superiors, Imtiaz Siddiqui, who has been asked to kill Agashe in a sting. The people indulging in this killing are none other than Agashe's superiors - the very ones he had trained to kill and comply orders without question. Check out this page for more updates on Ab Tak Chhappan.

Cast & Crew

Nana Patekar

Nana Patekar

Inspector Sadhu Aga..

Yashpal Sharma

Yashpal Sharma

Sub-Inspector Imtia..

Nakul Vaid

Nakul Vaid

Sub-Inspector Jatin..

Kunal Vijaykar

Kunal Vijaykar

Sub-Inspector Franc..

Mohan Aagashe

Mohan Aagashe

Ex-Commissioner Pra..



Mrs. Namita Sadhu A..

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Ab Tak Chhappan Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Ab Tak Chhappan (2004) movie which released on Feb 27, 2004. Ab Tak Chhappan (2004) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 4 photos, 28 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.Ab Tak Chhappan (2004) has received 3.6 rating from user reviews.The overall rating of Ab Tak Chhappan (2004) is 71 and movie is 3.6.Ab Tak Chhappan (2004) has won 0.003 crore awards.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Ab Tak Chhappan Keywords

Ab, Tak, Chhappan, Action, Bollywood, 2004, Ab Tak Chhappan movie reviews

