Kannada    Oct 03, 2009 (India)  



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Abhay is a 2009 Indian Kannada romance film released on Oct 03, 2009. The film is directed by Mahesh Babu, produced by Babu Reddy under banner named Nithin Productions. This film, directed by Mahesh Babu, has a masala mix of fights, romance, drama and action that's strictly for Darshan fans. With a neat script and lively narration, the director has showcased Darshan's acting talent in many ways. Though the story is not new, the director has sustained interest till the end by brilliantly combining comedy and action. Music director V Harikrishna comes to his rescue with excellent numbers during dull sequences. The story revolves around Abhay (Darshan) who falls in love with Arati (Arathi Thakur). Pandu, brother of politician Narasimhamurthy (Pradeep Rawat), wants to marry her. Circumstances force Arati to get engaged to him. But after a bitter experience at a party with Pandu, Arati flees to Amsterdam where she meets Abhay and asks him to rescue her from the unhappy relationship. Abhay rises to the occasion and brings Pandu's family to its knees with his muscle power. Darshan excels. Arathi Thakur is okay. Pradeep Rawat is excellent. Omprakash Rao gives a comical touch. Camerawork by Ramesh Babu is good. Ravivarma's brilliant action sequences deserve special mention. Check out this page for more updates on Abhay.

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Abhay Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Abhay (2009) movie which released on Oct 03, 2009. Abhay (2009) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Abhay Keywords

Abhay, Romance, Kannada, 2009, Abhay movie reviews

