Abhishek 2004
Bengali 2004 (India)
This movie is about the ups and down of a singer name Abhishek (Tapan Pal). Tapan Pal's childhood days were were ones of dire poverty. Master swardendu was cralty enough to play the role of abhishekh during his childhood dhiren chakraborty (biplab) plays the role of devoted miger and mantains a strict do principal not to be sold to the market, dhiren teacher his son of whom abhishekh is the elder to sing, but forbids them to go for singing in programs after the pathetic death of his younger brother tapan pal aka abhishekh is shown as a breseaned brother and when he grows up, he is rest to kolkata for better training in singing and faces of lot of mental formring there. The family when he got sheltered did not behave well with him. But instrict of all there obstacles, he managed to have him own palace in the singing identity. But in the meantain, he goes through same tragic moidenth that task him by tracema and he looses his speaking ability kortik banerjee (naren) who is the villain of the movie accures abhishekh of molisting aloka (ritu parna) and he becomes member. On the offer hard, ritu purna as the heorine of the film plays a sensible part of the do and helps abhishekh in all kinds. Kowshik blackmail his by entrapping tapas in his feat, rigupurna comes there for seving her finance's life and got exaught by kowshik at the climes of the stay, tapas pal begains in speaking ability to see rituparna to be raped by kowshik and his gangman. He get engaged in conformation with the looligems and happence to same rituparna's life the dus then tie there benot with each other and happily live even after. Abhishekh dreams come to and the film ends with a commic sence.
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This page provides latest and updated information about Abhishek (2004) movie which released on 2004. Abhishek (2004) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.