Hindi    Aug 08, 1980 (India)

Verdict: Cool Movie. Watchable.


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A domineering wife and her employed husband!
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Agreement is a 1980 Indian Bollywood drama film released on Aug 08, 1980. The film is directed by Anil Ganguly, produced by Joginder Singh.
This Agreement is contracted between Ms. Mala Mathur on one part and Mr.Shekhar Sinha on the other. And it is mutually agreed that whereas Mr.Shekhar Sinha and Ms.Mathur the parties to the contact, after marriage shall carry on life as husband and wife inasmuch as they make themselves acceptable socially as husband and wife but shall remain unto each other as total strangers, in body and soul and respect their souvereign persons in private without any claims whatsover. And Whereas Mr.Shekhar Sinha whose relationship as the husnand is purely as a result of This Agreement shall refrain from touching Ms.Mala Mathur the party to this Agreement, and shall maintain a distance of one foot in public and atleast six feet in privacy. . And whereas Mr.Shekhar Sinha, as the husband shall perform all and such of the other wifly duties socially imposed and including cordial reception of guests to the house at all time. And whereas Mr.Shekhar Sinha, as the husband and in consideration of his duites shall receive Rs.1000 (Rupees One Thousand only) as pocket money notwithstanding the fact and in andition to such sums as and when Ms. Mala Mathur as the wife may make available to defray household expenses, in consideration whereof, Mr.shekhar Sinha as the husband, shall be entitiles to a holiday (a term as defined under the Factories Act as may be in force) of not more than twelve hours. . Provided that Mr.Shekhar Sinha, as the husband shall not use the said pocket money of Rs.1000 (Rupees One Thousand Only) for somking, drink- ing or such other vices, as may be determined and socially accepted as vices. . Provided that Mr.Shekhar Sinha, as the husband, shall take after the title `Mala Mathur and shall use the title hereafter. . Now Therefor it Mr.Shekhar Sinha as a party to this Agreement shall act in bad faith of This Agreement Then this Agreement shall become Null and Void as if such an Agreement had never been contracte dand Ms.Mala Mathur as the wife shall be legally within her rights to turn Mr.Shekhar Sinha a party to this Agreement out of the known and acknowldged place of residence. . Signed this one Hundred and Tenth day of Nineteen Hundred and 79- seventy Nine by the Parties aforesaid mentioned. Check out this page for more updates on Agreement.

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Agreement Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Agreement (1980) movie which released on Aug 08, 1980. Agreement (1980) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 2 photos, 4 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.Agreement (1980) has received 3 rating from user reviews.The overall rating of Agreement (1980) is 60 and movie is 3.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Agreement Keywords

Agreement, Drama, Bollywood, 1980, Agreement movie reviews

