Hindi    Jan 01, 1974 (India)

Verdict: All Time Blockbuster Movie. Best Movie ever.


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Ajnabi is a 1974 Indian Bollywood romance,musical film released on Jan 01, 1974. The film is directed by Shakti Samanta, produced by Girija Samanta. They met, they loved, for love is blind. Love recognise neither caste creed nor station in life. It mattered little that Rohit was merely struggling youngman, or that Rashmi was the beloved daughter of very rich parents. Only love mattered a love supreme that towered over all the other forces. . And so they beome man and wife. . And soon were to discover that even supreme love has its severe limitations. Day by day, the more practical side of life took a firm girmp over the newly weds, and Rohit found himself helplessly unable to keep with Rashims way of living whilst drawing a very mearge salary. To supplement the family income, Rashmi decided to seek a personal career as a model, and thereby gained instant fame and fortune. She was gratified and proud to be acclaimed as Beauty Queen, when she was learnt that she would soon become a mother ! This was a rude shock. She feared that motherhood wouldpave the way of doom for her fledging career. Rohit, at the other extreme, was overjoyed. . Thus were sown the seeds of tension. . And when Rashmi met with an accident to lose the child she was carrying, Rohit believed that it was deliberate! Their love had flown on the wings of doubt. Disillusioned, disappointed - Rashmi returned to her father. Rohit secured the job of a Station Master at Dinapur. . Into Rohits troubled existence there stepped Sonia. Bound for Bombay she missed her train and found herself stranded at a lonely and deserted railway platform. She was carrying jewellery worth five lakhs of rupees, which Rohit locked in the station safe for security, and gave Sonia shelter in his quarters. . Little did Rohit dream of the consequence of his noble action, for all at once he found himself in the midst of new problems that struck with blinding suddeness. [Source: Booklet] Check out this page for more updates on Ajnabi.

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Ajnabi Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Ajnabi (1974) movie which released on Jan 01, 1974. Ajnabi (1974) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 2 photos, 1 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.Ajnabi (1974) has received 5 rating from user reviews.The overall rating of Ajnabi (1974) is 100 and movie is 5.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Ajnabi Keywords

Ajnabi, Romance, Musical, Bollywood, 1974, Ajnabi movie reviews

