Hindi    1957 (India)



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Alladin Leila is a 1957 Indian Bollywood film released on 1957. Many people loose their balance of mind after acquiring wealth and power. Alladin too proved no exception to the rule. He fulfilled the condition of the King and married his daughter, Princess Yasmin, by erecting a luxurious palace over night. Leila, a beautiful dane, had a true love for Alladin. She could not bear this betrayal on the part of his lover Alladin. and determined to destory him. She happened to meet one Magician named Aamri, who was after that Magic Lamp. Aamri took Leila to the King and posed that whosoever marry this girl will become one day the King of the whole world. The Kinf therupon admitted in his Haram. . Second victiom of Alladins hot headedness was his own mother. He introduced her to Princess Yasmin as his Nurse in order to conceal the fact that they were poor born. Poor mother endured all this with patience. . Behind the palace was a hut of a poor water - carrier named Badru. Princess Yasmin could not sleep due to the foul smell coming from Badrus cottage. This enraged Alladin who there upon ordered that the cottage should be levelled to the ground and Badru was given a severe beating. . Alladins mother could not bear this cruelty and took Badru and his wife Naazo to the palace. When Alladin came to know this he was much annoyed and turned out his mother also along with Badru and his wife. . At the instance of Leila, the King expressed his desire to conquer the whole world. Alladin promised that he can achieve the Kings ambitions with the help of super natural power that he commeands. . Therupon Alladin ordered JINNEE, the slave of the Magic Lamp to arran- ge for a mighty army. Peace fo many countries was distubed and spread haveoc all over. Then appered a Pious saint, who rendered help to the helpless. Check out this page for more updates on Alladin Leila.

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Alladin Leila Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Alladin Leila (1957) movie which released on 1957. Alladin Leila (1957) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Alladin Leila Keywords

Alladin, Leila, Bollywood, 1957, Alladin Leila movie reviews

