Tamil    Jul 02, 2010 (India)  



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Ambasamudram Ambani is a 2010 Indian Tamil costume drama, comedy film released on Jul 02, 2010. The film is directed by Ramnath, produced by John Britto.
Dandapani (Karunaas), coming from a poor background, nurtures his ambition to become a owner of businesses like Reliance, Vasant & C.o, Saravana Stores, etc. He meets Nandhini (Navneet) who falls in love with him because of his steadfast ambition. He is not in a position to accept owing to his goals. Thereafter he gives all his hard-earned money to Annachi (Kota Srinivasa Rao) to own a shop in his newly constructed complex. Before the construction is over, Annachi dies. Annachi's son does not believe that Dandapani could have given money to his girlfriend and he forcibly chases away Dandapani. Later he learns that Dandapani paid 35 lakhs for the shop from Registrar. Finally Dandapani succeeds in getting a new shop and sets up his supermarket.
Dandapani (Karunaas), coming from a poor background, nurtures his ambition to become a owner of businesses like Reliance, Vasant & C.o, Saravana Stores, etc. He meets Nandhini (Navneet) who falls in love with him because of his steadfast ambition. He is not in a position to accept owing to his goals. Thereafter he gives all his hard-earned money to Annachi (Kota Srinivasa Rao) to own a shop in his newly constructed complex. Before the construction is over, Annachi dies. Annachi's son does not believe that Dandapani could have given money to his girlfriend and he forcibly chases away Dandapani. Later he learns that Dandapani paid 35 lakhs for the shop from Registrar. Finally Dandapani succeeds in getting a new shop and sets up his supermarket. Check out this page for more updates on Ambasamudram Ambani.

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Ambasamudram Ambani Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Ambasamudram Ambani (2010) movie which released on Jul 02, 2010. Ambasamudram Ambani (2010) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Ambasamudram Ambani Keywords

Ambasamudram, Ambani, Costume Drama, Comedy, Tamil, 2010, Ambasamudram Ambani movie reviews

