Hindi    Jan 01, 1983 (India)



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Anmol Sitarey is a 1983 Indian Bollywood children film released on Jan 01, 1983. The film is directed by Geeta Priya, produced by Dharam Priya Dass. The childeren of today are the bright chapter of tomorrows history. It is only the good, honest and brave children, who can brighten the future of our country. . "Anmol Sitarey" is a story of such children. . Fatherless Ajay, Hindi teachers son Bhanu, the harijan boy Shankar and the honest and principled Police Superintendent Mr.Subhash Saxena daugher Sudha and son Deepak they all study in the same school and are close friends. . Ajay is a devotee of Lord Hanuman. Every morning he does exercise befor ethe statue of lord Hanuman on the top of a hill, and in the evening he works in a motorcycle mechanic shop. Ajay has got a pet monkey whom he calls Hanuman and takes with him every where. . Sudha and Deepak also keep their pet dog Tommy always with them. . One day Ajay takes out a motor-cycle for a test ride. His frineds also acompany him. In the sandalwood forest the fuel is exhausted and Ajay leaves to bring the petrol. some rowdies the are stealing sandalwood. Deepak challanges the rowdies and is able to get them arrested. . Time passes. All the school children go to picnic. Deepak is roaming alone. The rowdies, whom Deepak had got arreasted have escaped from the police lock-up, see Deepak and plan to kill him. Their talk is overheard by orphan boy Shankar. Shankar is able to save Deepak but in the process he gets so much beating form the rowdies that he is almost dead. . To save orphan harijan boy Shankar from becoming crippled for life, a lot of money is required. . A news with the photographs of two dangerous criminals appear in a newspaper. It says that the criminals Ranga and Raghavan have escaped from the Bangalore jail and whosoever is able to get them arrested will be given a reward of lakh of rupess by the government. . Ajay, Sudha, Bhanu and Deepak along with the monkey Hanuman and dog Tommy go in search of Ranaga and Raghavan. . On one side the police is serching for the children and on the other side the children are searching for Ranaga and Raghavan. . Not caring for the dangers how these children succeed in their mission Check out this page for more updates on Anmol Sitarey.

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Anmol Sitarey Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Anmol Sitarey (1983) movie which released on Jan 01, 1983. Anmol Sitarey (1983) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Anmol Sitarey Keywords

Anmol, Sitarey, Children, Bollywood, 1983, Anmol Sitarey movie reviews

