Bengali    1968 (India)

Verdict: Cool Movie. Watchable.


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Apanjan is a 1968 Indian Bengali social,thriller film released on 1968. The film is directed by Tapan Sinha.

An old village lady lived a lonely but happy life in her village.Her husband was a theatre worker. Her entire world revolved around the sweet-bitter memories of her past. One day a stranger came to her house and introduced himself as a distant relative and convinced her to go with him and live with him. The lady agreed, came to Calcutta and started living with the man, Arun and his wife Latika. Since both went to work, the grandmother started looking after their only son Tinku. Soon she realized that they had brought her only for baby sitting their child. So she demanded a salary. The area where Arun stayed, was infested with goons. There were two opponent teams - Rabi's and Chheno's. The old woman learnt how frustrated they all were in their educated middle class lives. She left Arun's house very soon and started living with two orphan siblings in a deserted house. She gave them shelter and food. She finally died of a bullet injury in a fight between two teams. She died leaving a whole frustrated generation.

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Reviews for Apanjan

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  • kailashmisra


    Cool Movie

    kailashmisra, 10 years ago
    This is nice movie. I liked it.

Apanjan Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Apanjan (1968) movie which released on 1968. Apanjan (1968) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 2 photos, 4 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.Apanjan (1968) has received 3 rating from user reviews.The overall rating of Apanjan (1968) is 60 and movie is 3.Apanjan (1968) has won 0.009 crore awards.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Apanjan Keywords

Apanjan, Social, Thriller, Bengali, 1968, Apanjan movie reviews

