Hindi    Nov 09, 2007 (India)  

Verdict: Super Hit Movie. Must watch!!


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Box office 110.5 Cr Budget: -- Verdict: Blockbuster
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He was a junior artiste. She was a star. For some dreams, one lifetime is not enough.
12 (includes nominations)


Om Shanti Om is a 2007 Indian Bollywood drama, romance film released on Nov 09, 2007. The film is directed by Farah Khan, produced by Gauri Khan under banner named Red Chillies Entertainment.
This is the story of an aspiring actor named as Om. He is a struggling actor who loves a well-known actress Shanti. But, Shanti is caught in the trap of a villain who rather intends to kill her. He is the producer of her films and to get rid of her, he tries to kill her by burning her in a room. Then, Om tries every possible thing to save her, but cannot because he also gets killed in the same fire. Now years after, he is reincarnated and he becomes the famous hero. Now, he is not aware of his past and years after while he is busy in shooting, he recollects all his past and then he comes to know that he loved Shanti. So, he plans revenge against the villain that is Arjun Rampal. So, he decides to bring Shanti back in his life as a ghost which he does. Candy comes to his life as Shanti and they plot things against him. But, the villain comes to know of this and he starts fighting against the villain. But, in his journey, he comes to know that Shanti is still alive and she will be there to kill him. Check out this page for more updates on Om Shanti Om.

Cast & Crew

Shah Rukh Khan

Shah Rukh Khan

Om Prakash Makhija ..

Deepika Padukone

Deepika Padukone

Shantipriya (Sandy)

Arjun Rampal

Arjun Rampal

Mukesh Mehra (Mike)

Kiron Kher

Kiron Kher

Bela Makhija

Javed Shaikh

Javed Shaikh

Rajesh Kapoor

Videos & Trailers

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Reviews for Om Shanti Om

Nikhat Kazmi


Nikhat KazmiTimes of India

Farah Khan's re-birth saga literally makes an art of retro and paints the seventies pop culture in Andy Warholish strokes.

full review
  • thomas.richard


    All Time Hit Movie

    thomas.richard, 10 years ago
    This is one of best movie of all time.
  • devenpatel


    Cool Movie

    devenpatel, 10 years ago
    This is nice movie. I liked it.
  • rajverma67


    Blockbuster Movie

    rajverma67, 10 years ago
    This is one of the block buster movie

All User Reviews (3)

Om Shanti Om Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Om Shanti Om (2007) movie which released on Nov 09, 2007. Om Shanti Om (2007) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 52 photos, 113 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.Om Shanti Om (2007) has received 3.8 rating from user reviews.The overall rating of Om Shanti Om (2007) is 75 and movie is 3.8.Om Shanti Om (2007) has won 0.012 crore awards.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Om Shanti Om Keywords

Om, Shanti, Drama, Romance, Bollywood, 2007, Om Shanti Om movie reviews

