Hindi    1949 (India)



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Patanga is a 1949 Indian Bollywood social film released on 1949. The film is directed by H. S. Rawail.
Exactly after six daughters, the village Chaudhary was bestowed with a son and thus his long awaited dreams came true. He had prayed for a son and despite his disappointments for several times, he had not lost faith in HIM. His patience was well paid for. . Incident, was of a great pleasure to Chaudhary, and the whole village joined him, in his rejoicings. The typical village astrologer was called for to put down the little Chaudharys horoschope. He predicted, that the boy would be really most fortunate and that he would be always surrounded by motor cars. This added to the delight of the chaudhary, as it was more than kings fortune for him. He therefore named the boy as Raja. . The prediction of the village astrologer, came true in words, but no in sense; as the young Raja became city traffic constable. There were thing the astrologer had forgotten to predict. . One day Raja while on his duty, was attracted by a sweet song of Rani a street songstress and he incidently left his duty place. This brought about a serious accident of two motor Cars and subsequently of two hearts. Raja was suspended from his services, and was given resort by Rani & her old father. Soon after Rani & Raja joined Gope Theatres and by their sincere effort both achieved great fame and riches. . Rani and Raja both had great interest and love for each other. Simple and straight-forward Raja always could find defficult to open his heart before Rani and therefore hie could not dare to express his love for her in plain words. Unfortunately Rani was kept in suspense, though she always recognised Raja has her only true and sincere friend . Before Raja could daringly open his heart before Rani for which Rani was really awaiting, Shyam a son of a welthy Jagirdar fell in love of Rani, after seeing her on stage. His offered love, was denounced by Rani int he begining but Shyam became adamant and crazy for Rani and inspite of several defeats he with his efforts, managed to win Ranis heart, with the device of Money. . Shyam was already engaged to sweet, sincere Poornima. His craze for Rani took him remote from Poornimas heart. He required wealth to work out his device for capturing love of Rani. He approached his father. He was refused for any help. He was restless without money he could not be successful. At this juncture Poornima came to his rescue, Unknowing Shyams motive, she out of her sincerity and faithfullness towards her would be husband, gavehim the required money . The party of the Gope theatres was engaged by Shyam and was called at his remote property Bunglow at Rangpur. The magic of money worked and Rani was misguised, leaving her true love for Raja she succumbed to Shyam. He won and she lost. Shyam was happy at his success and Raja was sad at his defeat. . Poornimas tender heart was broken intopieces. When Shyams father came to know his sons adventures, he at once thought to put a stop to it. Proprietor of Gope theatres came to the help of poor Raja and thought of assisting Shyams father. Jagirdar immediately arranged for his sons marriage with Poornima, The day came and marriage ceremony Mantras were recited. But Rani-mad Shyam, managed to escape from marriage place and thus his fathers game was spoiled. Faithfull Poornima went in search of her husband. . Whether Poornima could get Shyam ? or whether Raja could get Rani ? These questions will be solved for you on the screen !!! [Source: Booklet] Check out this page for more updates on Patanga.

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This page provides latest and updated information about Patanga (1949) movie which released on 1949. Patanga (1949) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 2 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Patanga Keywords

Patanga, Social, Bollywood, 1949, Patanga movie reviews

