Filmography, Movies List of Talia Shire


NR  Homo Erectus (2008)EnglishJul 21, 2008
NR  Rocky Balboa (2006)EnglishDec 20, 2006 Watch Now
60  The Landlady (2005)EnglishMay 01, 2005
NR  The Whole Shebang (2003)EnglishFeb 11, 2003
70  She's So Lovely (1997)EnglishAug 27, 1997
30  Deadfall (1993)EnglishAug 10, 1993
NR  Bed & Breakfast (1991)EnglishSep 23, 1991
NR  Cold Heaven (1991)EnglishSep 13, 1991
80  The Godfather: Part III (1990)EnglishDec 25, 1990
NR  Rocky V (1990)EnglishNov 16, 1990 Watch Now
NR  New York Stories (1989)EnglishMar 10, 1989
NR  Rocky IV (1985)EnglishNov 27, 1985 Watch Now
NR  Rocky III (1982)EnglishMay 28, 1982 Watch Now
NR  Windows (1980)EnglishJan 18, 1980
NR  Prophecy (1979)EnglishAug 22, 1979
NR  Rocky II (1979)EnglishJun 15, 1979
NR  Rocky (1976)EnglishDec 03, 1976
NR  Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It. (1971)EnglishFeb 17, 1971
NR  Kiss the Bride (2002)English2002
NR  Un homme est mort (1972)English1972
NR  Palmer's Pick Up (1999)English1999
NR  Lured Innocence (1999)English1999
80  The Godfather: Part II (1974)English1974
NR  River Made to Drown In (1997)English1997
90  The Godfather (1972)English1972 Watch Now


NR  Lionheart (1987)English1987

Talia Shire Celebrity Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Talia Shire. Talia Shire is Actor and has worked in English. The celebrity has 0 fans, 0 likes and 0 dislikes. The StarMeter rating of this celebrity is 134. Talia Shire has approximately worked in 26 movies and 0 TV Shows You can like, dislike this celebrity and also can join fan club. You can information about movies, TV shows, songs of this celebrity.

Talia Shire Keywords

Talia, Shire, Hollywood, Actors, Talia Shire movies

