Kannada    Oct 19, 2007 (India)  



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Aa Dinagalu is a 2007 Indian Kannada biographical film released on Oct 19, 2007. The film is produced by Syed Aman. Aa Dinagalu is a story about the underworld which was supposed to have existed in the city of Bengaluru in 1986. In the film Agni Shridhar narrates the preview as story of Kotwal Ramachandra era (1975) coincidentally with declaration of emergency by Indira Gandhi, which led to grooming of M.P.Jayaraj as the uncrowned don of Bengaluru mostly working with Knives, Sickles, Longs for terrorising people. Eventually he seems to have got jailed for contempt of court for 10 years. When he returns in 1985, after the death of Indira Gandhi he finds Kotwal Ramachandra to have taken his spot. In this backdrop how a love story ( for which Bengaluru was famous once- having a lot of suicide spots even now) finds its place has been screened. The story although is based on backdrop of violence is screened with artistic and cinematic touch for which Kannada Industry was once famous for. There is no place for violence, fight scenes but still the film succeeds in bringing the atmosphere of 1986 Bengaluru in 2007 (release date). K.M. Chaitanya ( grandson of Rashtra Kavi G. S. Shivarudrappa[1]) has directed a gripping, realistic film which broke the boundaries between art and commercial cinema. The screenplay was written by Girish Karnad and Agni Shridhar. While the story and dialogues were written by Agni Shridhar.The film was widely critically acclaimed and went on to be one of the biggest box office hits in Kannada. The Week magazine listed it among the Top 10 Indian films of 2007. Check out this page for more updates on Aa Dinagalu.

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This page provides latest and updated information about Aa Dinagalu (2007) movie which released on Oct 19, 2007. Aa Dinagalu (2007) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 1 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Aa Dinagalu Keywords

Aa, Dinagalu, Biographical, Kannada, 2007, Aa Dinagalu movie reviews

