Story, Synopsis, Trivia, Dialogues for Dil Aur Mohabbat (1968)

Dil Aur Mohabbat is a 1968 Indian Bollywood social film released on 1968. The film is directed by Anand Datta, produced by Shilpkar , music composed by O. P. Nayyar.

This movie is about rajesh chaudhury (jay mukherji) who is a student studying in a branding school and has an halit of gambling. He once meet a girl who is his class mate named anuradha verma (sharmila tagore) and falls in love. One fine day anuradha's friend trys to melest her ash her in the middle of a sea and when the boat starts bearing he escapes leaving anuradha in the boat and then comes rajesh for her rescue. Considering the fact that rajesh loves anuradha even anuradha falls in love with him. Anuradha fells her dad (nazir hussain) about her love in terest and asks rajesh to come for anuradha's birthday party. Anuradha dad likes rajesh and agrees for their marriage and they beth gets engaged. Rajesh wants to tell anuradha about her gambling habit but could not unfortunately rajesh murders a man in his own defeuse which he never wanted to. So he runs out of the casino & reachs at anuradha's house and tells her the truth. Then at the same day rajesh's dad supretendent chaudhry comes to bombay and gets to know about it and tries searching rajesh. But as chaudhru is from police rajesh hesitate seeking help from him. Will mr chaudhury be able to help out rajesh will rajesh trust his own father?

Rajesh Chaudhry (Joy Mukherji) who is a student who has a habit of gambling. He is in love with his class mate named Anuradha Verma (Sharmila Tagore) and also saves her from getting molested. Anuradha fells her father (Nazir Hussain) about her love interest and asks Rajesh to come for Anuradha's birthday party. He agrees for their marriage and they get engaged. Rajesh wants to tell Anuradha about his gambling habit but cannot. Unfortunately, Rajesh accidently murders a man in his own defence. On the same day, Rajesh's father Superintendent Chaudhry comes to Bombay and gets to know about it and tries searching for Rajesh. But Rajesh hesitate to seek help from his father. How will Rajesh prove innocent?

Dil Aur Mohabbat is a story of father (Ashok Kumar) and son (Joy). Father is a polie inspetor who had earned dozens of glittering Gold Medals for his honesty and bravery. His wife is invalid and according to Doctors, only chance of the survival depends on her going to amrica for treatment. Inspector Choudhary has no means yet he loves his wife, thus start the first tussle in his heart, love for his wife versus honesty. Honesty wins and wife is lost. . His only son Rajesh is kid then. In the of proper paental care the boy gets into the habit of gambling. Fathers pampering and the time, both helped his lust to increase unresstraidly. Young boy with no training of discpline now takes his life as a game of gambling. And in one of succh draing bets he befools Anuradha (Sharmila), his class mate. The result is he wins the bet but loses the girl. She takes him as a loafer and starts hating him. But one day Rajesh saves her life under very dangerous circumstnaces and from then on...Rajesh is everything for her. . Love-stricken Rajesh decides to mend his ways and promises to his best friend Sampat (Johny), that today would behis last gambling night. He prays to God to give him enough money to enable him to buy a costly presant for his dream girl (Anuradha), but luck had altogether a different story written him. Rajesh finds out Singhs brother cheating him, anraged Rajesh picks up a quarrel with him, which ends in the death of Singhs brother. Horror stricken, is advised by Kishori (Bela) to run away from the scene. . In the mean-time Choudhary is transferred to Bombay. But the unfortunate fatehr arrives too late...Few hours earlier his son had killed a man. Cruel fate does not spare Chodhary from its clutches. No one else, but, the heart broken father himself is commissioned to arrest his son. For the second time a tussle starts in the fathers heart. Love for his son verysus law. He had already lost his wife for his honesty. [Source: Booklet] Check out this page for more updates on Dil Aur Mohabbat.

Dil Aur Mohabbat Keywords

Dil, Aur, Mohabbat, Social, Bollywood, 1968, Dil Aur Mohabbat movie reviews

