Bengali    1936 (India)



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Dwipantar is a 1936 Indian Bengali drama,romance film released on 1936. The film is directed by Dhirendranath Gangopadhyay.

After his graduation Loken tries his best to secure a job, but failed. His days were hard in a Calcutta mess, and same condition was of his mother in the village. One day he came to know that Justice Roy needed a Secretary. He went there for a job, but didn't succeed. Loken tore his graduation certificate and went away from there. He then tried to commit suicide but failed. Mamata, daughter of Justice Roy found that torn graduation certificate. Out of curiosity when she joined the torn parts she found Loken's name there. She remembered that she had a classmate in the college by this name, and she was also close to him. From the application she found out the address and went to his mess. There she came to know that Loken was thrown out of the mess and left a letter for him there. Loken was then involved with a pickpocket gang. Ruby was a member of that gang. She fell in love with him. One day she gave him some money and told him to bring all his belongings from the mess. When he came to the mess he got a letter of Mamata and also came to know that Mamata had paid all her dues. So he went to Justice Roy's house to thank Mamata. But unfortunatelty Mamata was not present there at the moment. Loken came back from there after getting insulted by Justice Roy and Mamata's to be husband Barrister Rupen. Mamata came to know every thing when she came back home. She left home immediately. One day Loken found his torn certificate in a ladies bag stolen by a member of his gang from a taxi. Loken wanted to return the bag to Mamata. But the gang leader resisted Loken. He threw his knife towards Loken. But the knife hit Ruby's chest and Ruby died immediately. The leader handed over Loken to the police in the charge of killing Ruby. Loken didn't protest. When the trial of the case was almost over suddenly Mamata appeared in the witness box. At last Loken was freed from all charges. Mamata and Loken were reunited.

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This page provides latest and updated information about Dwipantar (1936) movie which released on 1936. Dwipantar (1936) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Dwipantar Keywords

Dwipantar, Drama, Romance, Bengali, 1936, Dwipantar movie reviews

