Hindi    1935 (India)



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Noor-E-Yaman is a 1935 Indian Bollywood film released on 1935. The Jin Shabriang is enjoying music and dances in his palace, where the Parrot of his brother, Jin Khushrang, comes and informs him of the death of Khushrang as well as of the Ape-man(Khushrangs faithful servant). He says that both have been killed by the exiled Prine Parviz who has also resued the Priness Parizad from the abode of Jin Khushrang. . The infuriated Jin inquires of a magi skull by his side, the where abouts of Parviz and orders the Ape-man who is the brother of the dead apeman to apture Parviz at any cost. . NADIR, the new Boy-King of Yaman, aompanied by one of his attendants, goes round his apital inognito, and to his great disomfiture sees around himself examples of the fraities of women. He beigns to cultivate a hatred for women. He thinks of his dead mother and when he returns to the Palace, he sees the vision of his own dead mother, whose soul is in great agony on account of her sins. She pleads with him to pray to to God for the eternal rest of her soul. The philosophical boy-king broods over the inident and is all the more upset when his father and sister tell him to keep peace of mind. In the hour of his mental and spiritual tormentaion, he happens ot hear the voice of the Pirmard. He feels inspired and goes to the Pirmard, who consoles him and tells to return to the palace and wait for developments. . Hidden behind thick bushes, the Apeman comes out of a well and attaks Prine Parviz sho is on his way to Miser aompanied by the Prince Parviz A frightful struggle ensues resulting in the Apeman capturing Parviz. . Separated from he rlord, Parizad sends a message to Nadir by thing it to the food of a dove and reches Miser in great mental affliction, where she meets her mother (the Queen of Misr). . Amonis (the second husband of the Queen of Misr) has a foreboding that Parizad will be a thorn in his way partiulary as this moral degenerate has cast a spell of love over the youngest daughter of the Queen and and his own step-daughter, Semiramis. . Amonis now instigates the Queen to prevail upon Parizad to forsake Islam and retun to the Misri relighion. She refuses to do so. The crafty Amonis suggests that Parizad be shot to death by poisoned arrows. . At the same time Amonis instigates Semiramis to join him in dethroning her own mother. The intatuated Semiramis yields. . Now let us turn to Yaman. The Boy-King NADIR cannot forget his dead mothers entreaty, when all of a sudden a dove flies in with Parizads message that his dear brother Prince Parviz has disappeared. . The state of affairs in Yaman is very deplorable. The old king has abdicated in favour of his son the Boy-King NADIR. Prince Parviz has disappeared. Nadir has gone to seek out his dear brother and help him. . Taking advantage of these matters, ALMAS, the husband of Mahru (Nadir sister) contrives to kill Nadir and take over the kingdom of Yaman. . Having reahed the plains at the outskirts of Yaman, Almas suddenly attaccks Nadir from behind. But at that very instant Mahru who has followed Almas shrieks and puts her unsuspecting brother on the alert. The descending hand of Almas falls on the dove in Nadirs hand, whihc dies. A mirale happens. Almas finds the lower half of his body instantly transformed into the trunk of a tree. Mahru weeps over this. The Pirmard appears on the sccene and tells Nadir that if the blood of Shabrang the Jin is sprinkled upon Almas he will regain his usual from which Nadir promises to obtain and proceeds on his journey. . The Pirmard has given Nadir two talismans, a marble prbble and a ring. By keeping the pebble in the mouth he an meke himself invisible to the sight of others. By the help of the ring he can see and know whatever inident he desires to see and know about. . By the help of the pebble Nadir will be able to aomplish what few humans can in this world, as will be seen from the follwing inidents:- . While in Misr, the Princess Parizad passes through the ordeal and gains the affection and regard of the queen, her mother. Amonis excites the crowd by touching upon their religious susceptibilities and declares Parizad to be a witch. The queen, thereupon, sides with her daughter. Placing himself at the head of the excited crowd, Amonis succeeds in creating a commotion and drives the queen and her daughter Parizad out of the kingdom, and usurps the throne, with Semiramis a tool in his hands. . Later on Nadir happens to see very many beutiful fairies bathing in a pool of water, with a very beautiful girl among them. On Nadir following this bevy of beautuful fairies, they mysteriously disappear in the pool. At that moment the Pirmard comes up and tells Nadir to have faith in God and advance. . Advancing with the help of the pebble Nadir finds himself in the den of Shabrang the Jin. He also finds that the girl he had seen amid the group of fairies is the but she is sleeping, or may be she is dead! Nadir brings her to consciousness. . The Apeman, who is a faithful sevant of the Jin, puts up a tough fight but with the help of the pebble Nadir defeats him and also succeeds in killing Shabrang the Jin. Then he liberates his brother Prince Parviz who has all the time been a captive in this den. . The beautuful girl Nadir has rescued is no other than NADIRA, the young daughter of the Pharaoh of Misr. She falls in love with Nadir at first sight. But Nadir is by now a confirmed woman-hater. Seeing that her love will not be accepted by fair means, Nadira burns some mystic incense which she gets through the Apeman, and gets Nadir enmoured of her. . Leaving Nadir and Nadira there, Parviz starts for Misr. But reaching Misr he learns that Parizad has been kept a close prisoner by Amonis now the king of Misr. He is himself set upon by the men of Amonis and is brought before Amonis. He is put in a dungeon and tortured. . Having come out of the trance after the mysitc incense was burnt out, Nadir accompanied by Nadira and the Ape-man rushes to Almass help. Nadir the Jins blood and restores Almas. . Seeing in the ring Nadir finds Parviz and Parizad tortured by Amonis. . The Primard appears and on his advice Almas marches on the Misr. . Nadir, Nadira and the ape-man go to Misr seated upon a flying carpet. Check out this page for more updates on Noor-E-Yaman.

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This page provides latest and updated information about Noor-E-Yaman (1935) movie which released on 1935. Noor-E-Yaman (1935) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Noor-E-Yaman Keywords

Noor-E-Yaman, Bollywood, 1935, Noor-E-Yaman movie reviews

