Hindi    1965 (India)



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Panch Ratan is a 1965 Indian Bollywood film released on 1965. Sangram got the possession of the state " Sham Garh" with the help of Senapati. The Maharaj anyhow managed to escape. The people of Sham Garh could not face crualty of Sangram. They decide to revolt against Sangram. The rebel leader was Raja, who took an oath with his four companions to finish Sangram. In the meantime Sangram arrested Rajas mother. On the other side Raja arrested Sangrams sister. Both fell in love with each other. Sangram was compelled to release Rajas mother. Raja also released Sangrams sister. Sangram declared the marriage of his sister with Rajkumar of Vijaya Garh. Raja with his four men reached the palace in disguise. But there they were identified. . Could Raja finish Sangram? What happened to the real king? How bravely Raja fought with Sangrams army? How Raja and his four companions got the title of Pach Ratan? . See this in most thrilling picture " Panch Ratan". [Source: Booklet] Check out this page for more updates on Panch Ratan.

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Reviews for Panch Ratan

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Panch Ratan Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Panch Ratan (1965) movie which released on 1965. Panch Ratan (1965) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 0 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 0 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Panch Ratan Keywords

Panch, Ratan, Bollywood, 1965, Panch Ratan movie reviews

