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English    Jan 17, 2014 (USA)

Verdict: Cool Movie. Watchable.


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American Hustle is a 2014 Hollywood drama,crime film released on Jan 17, 2014. The film is directed by David O. Russell, produced by Megan Ellison. Check out this page for more updates on American Hustle.

Cast & Crew

Christian Bale

Christian Bale

Irving Rosenfeld

Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper

Richie DiMaso

Amy Adams

Amy Adams

Sydney Prosser

Jeremy Renner

Jeremy Renner

Mayor Carmine Polit..

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Rosalyn Rosenfeld

Louis C.K.

Louis C.K.

Stoddard Thorsen

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Reviews for American Hustle

Rohit Khilnani


Rohit KhilnaniIndia Today

I suggest you spend your hard earned money on these con men and you won’t feel cheated!

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Anupama Chopra


Anupama ChopraHindustan Times

…So much fun that I wonder if viewers will recognize what a staggering artistic achievement it is. Don’t miss this film.

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Shalini Langer


Shalini LangerIndian Express

…It’s easy to see why the film is scooping those awards. For it may be about two con artists, an ambitious FBI agent, and a showman, if do-gooder politician, but rarely wi..

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Rajeev Masand


Rajeev MasandIBNLive

It’s possibly the most fun I’ve had at the movies in a long, long time, and like the perfect restaurant meal it leaves you keen to make a second visit soon.

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Raja Sen


Raja SenRediff

A movie where the killer ensemble cast unmistakably looks to be having a better time than the audience. Their buoyant energy — and the look-at-me style the movie is soaked i..

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Srijana Mitra Das


Srijana Mitra DasTimes of India

…amuses with irony, music and wit. It tantalizes with danger but doesn’t get violent. Its sexiness – there’s grinding in washrooms, on tables and laps R..

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All Critic Reviews (16)

  • Patil


    My review of American Hustle (2014) by Patil

    Patil, 9 years ago
    This move is Awesome.... It introduces loyalty towards faith.... love without expectations.... wisdom..... Maturity...... and the last HUSTLING skill.....Nice movie

American Hustle Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about American Hustle (2014) movie which released on Jan 17, 2014. American Hustle (2014) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 1 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 2 user reviews, and 0 critic reviews.American Hustle (2014) has received 3 rating from user reviews.The overall rating of American Hustle (2014) is 60 and movie is 3.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

American Hustle Keywords

American, Hustle, Drama, Crime, Hollywood, 2014, American Hustle movie reviews

