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English    Jan 15, 2016 (India)

Verdict: Timepass Movie. One time watch.


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Chalk N Duster is a 2016 Hollywood drama film released on Jan 15, 2016. The film is directed by Jayant Gilatar, produced by Amin Surani. Check out this page for more updates on Chalk N Duster.

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Reviews for Chalk N Duster

Rohit Vats


Rohit VatsHindustan Times

Chalk N Duster is a film worth your time. It’s fast, dramatic and meaningful. Simply put, a good watch.

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Manjusha Radhakrishnan


Manjusha RadhakrishnanGulf News

If you had been in a classroom, you may have found yourself looking for the nearest exit since the subject isn’t particularly riveting. But fortunately, the scenario isn’t so ..

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Saibal Chatterjee


Saibal ChatterjeeNDTV

…is the unkindest cut. If you have any respect for your teachers – past present or future – give this film a miss.

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Sneha May Francis


Sneha May FrancisEmirates247

Yes, ‘Chalk N Duster’ isn’t magical or earnest like Aamir’s works, or delightful like ‘Rockford’, or ‘Stanley Ke Dabba’. It slips i..

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Subhash K Jha


Subhash K JhaFirstpost

Chalk ‘N’ Duster is not great cinema by any stretch of the imagination. It is often crude and unapologetic in its melodramatic pitch. But its heart is in the right place. It i..

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Nandini Ramnath



Folded into the mess is a heartfelt message reminding viewers that teachers should not be taken for granted and should be accorded the respect and dignity they deserve. But the mo..

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Chalk N Duster Movie Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Chalk N Duster (2016) movie which released on Jan 15, 2016. Chalk N Duster (2016) is directed by , produced by , starring .We have also provided 1 trailers and videos, 0 photos, 1 user reviews, and 3 critic reviews.Chalk N Duster (2016) has received 3 rating from user reviews.The movie has received 2.2 rating from critic reviews. The overall rating of Chalk N Duster (2016) is 48 and movie is 2.4.You can review, like, dislike this movie and also can add to favorites. You can also find information on showtimes, CDs, DVDs, online rental, online free watching.

Chalk N Duster Keywords

Chalk, N, Duster, Drama, Hollywood, 2016, Chalk N Duster movie reviews

