Filmography, Movies List of Mike Murphy


NR  Lenny (1974)EnglishNov 10, 1974


NR  Legionnaire (1998)EnglishDec 03, 1998
NR  South of Heaven, West of Hell (2000)English2000
NR  Little Noises (1992)English1992

Mike Murphy Celebrity Wiki

This page provides latest and updated information about Mike Murphy. Mike Murphy is Editor and has worked in English. The celebrity has 0 fans, 0 likes and 0 dislikes. The StarMeter rating of this celebrity is 134. Mike Murphy has approximately worked in 4 movies and 0 TV Shows You can like, dislike this celebrity and also can join fan club. You can information about movies, TV shows, songs of this celebrity.

Mike Murphy Keywords

Mike, Murphy, Hollywood, Editors, Mike Murphy movies

